
Recordings of some of the events I participated in or was a facilitator of

Video recordings of talks I was invited to participate in and events I helped to facilitate

“Because we are one heart, one mind, One Self, we can only know our selves through sharing in unity and relationship. We could only share in unity and relationship through a seeming separation from the oneness in which we exist.” (A Course of Love)
Vivendo uma vida plena

Heart to Heart

How A Course of Love
changed my life

Vivendo uma vida plena

The Alchemy of Feelings

The effortless transmutation of anger and pain into love

Construindo relacionamentos significativos

Wisdom of the Heart

What the heart sees: no longer looking out but looking in

Construindo relacionamentos significativos

Wisdom of the Heart 2

The Power of Gathering in Unity: A National ACOL Conference in Brazil

Resgate o seu poder

Acceptance: A Liberating Attitude

What you resist persists. What you accept can be transformed.

Recupere a sua liberdade

Presence of Being (PT)

Interview with Ana Maria Fernandez in Brazil

Descubra seu verdadeiro Ser

What is A Course of Love? (PT)

Introducing ACOL to students of A Course in Miracles

Descubra seu verdadeiro Ser

Transformative Relationships

Know yourself and become a change agent through relationships

Recupere a sua liberdade

The End of Suffering (PT)

Returning to the love and truth of who we are

Mova da incerteza para a guia interior

Living the Way of Mary (PT)

Teaching by being one’s true Self rather than talking about it

Mova da incerteza para a guia interior

Living a Full Life (PT)

What it takes to live a life that is meaningful and complete

Mova da incerteza para a guia interior

Listening to Our Feelings (PT)

Discovering the messages and revelations they bring us