About Me

A short bio

As you know, who one really is cannot be described by one’s activities alone, but here is an outline of what I have been doing

“You can only be who you are by sharing who you are.” (A Course of Love)

I’m an international speaker, event organizer, group facilitator, and digital content creator for the books A Course of Love and A Course in Miracles. My wife and I work together to share our insights and personal experiences on Oneness, Presence, Awakening of Consciousness, Non-dual Awareness, Happiness, Direct Knowledge (Gnosis), Meditation, and other topics. I traveled to over 40 countries and lived many years in Asia, where my wife and I formed groups to share the way of the heart with fellow companions. I’m a co-publisher at Take Heart Publications.

Presentation to A Course of Love group in Vitoria, Brazil

I was born in Brazil and became interested in self-development at an early age. When I was 17, I joined a local group of seekers who studied self-knowledge, gnosis (inner wisdom), awakening of consciousness, meditation, and so on. Soon I became a teacher and spent most of my free time, outside the aeronautical engineering course I was attending, studying and teaching eastern and western wisdom traditions. I was not interested in organized religion, only in their psychological and philosophical ideas.

After working as an aeronautical engineer for a couple of years, my increased interest in becoming a full-time wisdom teacher combined with a series of dreams that offered inner guidance, I left my career and moved to Asia, where I lived and traveled for 18 years. I studied cultural anthropology, Sanskrit and the Bhagavad Gita, Advaita Vedanta, Taoism, Buddhism, and the teachings of Krishnamurti, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, Theosophy, Kabbalah, and others. Most of my time in Asia was spent in India, Nepal, Mongolia, and Thailand.

Visiting the Lotus Temple in New Delhi, India, with some of our students

Visiting Terelj National Park, Mongolia, with some of our students

During this time I delivered a large number of lectures and also formed study groups or sanghas, guiding meditation practices and teaching many courses. After marrying one of my students in Mongolia, Budkhand “Budhi”, she and I became life and teaching partners. She takes part in all activities and is also a committed teacher and spiritual practitioner.

Budhi and I have been driven to the immeasurable wisdom in the books A Course of Love and A Course in Miracles, so we have been sharing mostly from these books in the last years. We work for Take Heart Publications in partnership with its founder, Glenn Hovemann. We are also supporting members of the Wild Grace Community in California, USA.

My wife and I with some of our students in Chiang Mai, Thailand

With some of our students in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

With students from 9 different nationalities in Thailand

With some students in Kathmandu, Nepal

Rodrigo Cayres has been living anything but an ordinary life. At 17 he was already deeply engaged with spiritual groups devoted to practicing meditation and studying diverse paths to awakening. He soon became a teacher and organized national-level events in Brazil, where he lived. At 24, following an inner calling and guidance through lucid dreams, he left a career in Aeronautical Engineering to become a full-time wisdom teacher. He traveled to 40 countries and delivered over 2,500 presentations on self-knowledge, awakening, meditation, oneness, presence, compassion, and so on. He lived for many years in Asia, mostly in India, Mongolia, Thailand, and Nepal. While in India, he received hundreds of hours of teachings from the Dalai Lama. In recent years, he and his wife have been mostly sharing the non-dual wisdom in A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love, working to disseminate the works published by Take Heart Publications.