I am a facilitator or an invited speaker at these events
Upcoming/Past Events
“What you are called to do is to share in union with others whose awareness is expanding.” (A Course of Love)
My wife and I are event organizers, facilitators, and invited speakers at both in-person and online gatherings
(These are just some of the events we are involved with, as this list is not updated frequently.)
May 13, 2024 – 7pm Pacific Time – Grass Valley, California
The Alchemy of Feelings: The Effortless Transmutation of Anger and Pain into Love. [Click here to watch the recording.]
This talk and creative dialogue explore the consequences of rejecting, hiding, or judging our feelings, as well as the surprising transmutation they undergo when embraced in the loving awareness of our spacious Self. Just like the alchemists’ Philosopher’s Stone, the Self we share in Unity (Oneness) has the power to transform all that is not from love back to love. Raw energies and afflictive emotions are rendered harmless in the presence of Self-awareness, which traces them back to love as the illusory shadow of a tree can be traced back to a real tree standing right next to it. Thus anger and egoic pain can be returned to love, which is all there is in truth.
September 21-24, 2023 – Sao Paulo, Brazil
The Power of Acceptance: Living as Creators of our Life Experience through Acceptance of our True Self (in Portuguese) (4-day long in-person retreat).
Contrary to what you might think, what you resist persists. Acceptance frees you to respond differently to the circumstances that make you feel unhappy. As you change your responses, you start effecting change to the conditions around you. As A Course of Love says, you are not called to accept what you do not like, but to accept that you don’t like whatever it is you don’t like. Then, and only then—when you have accepted how you feel —can you respond truly.” Discover what acceptance means to you and see how to leverage the power of acceptance to transform whatever difficulties you might be facing and to open up to the realization of the power, abundance, and freedom inherent in your true Self.

Weekly Online Zoom Gatherings – Every Saturday, 8am Pacific US / 11am Eastern US / 4pm London-UK
A Course of Love Sharing Group (in English) – Free of charge
If you are a reader of A Course of Love and would like to read a few passages together, share your insights and personal experiences related to it, and dialogue with fellow readers, you are welcome to join this group facilitated by my wife Budhi and me. If interested, please get in touch with me.
August 29, 2023 – 8pm Brazil Time / 12am London-UK
The Alchemy of Feelings: How to let feelings of anger and sadness be transmuted back to love (in Portuguese) (60-min long). [Click here to watch the recording.]
I’ll be interviewed by Fabi Fonseca and Fernanda Correia, hosts of the Economia Divina podcast platform. I’ll be sharing the life experiences and inner guidance that led me to shift my career away from engineering and to live in Asia for nearly 20 years, as well as the importance of connecting mind and heart. Then I’ll share the wisdom of transmuting our feelings, giving practical examples on how to let feelings of anger and sadness be transmuted back to love.

April 22, 2023 – 3:30pm Eastern US / 12:30pm Pacific US / 8:30pm London-UK
The Pathless Paths along the Journey without Distance (90-min long).
As we journey along the varied paths to awakening, we experience a process of seemingly returning home. When we eventually awake to a great extent to the truth of who we are, we realize that actually, we have never left home. In the dreams and nightmares experienced during sleep, we make up an illusory world in which we believe we are separate bodies, struggling on our own to succeed at material and spiritual goals, seeking what we already are.
All paths converge to the same awareness of the integration of two levels of experience into one whole experience: human and spiritual, mind and heart, masculine and feminine, body and spirit, sacred and mundane are now experienced as one, without duality.

April 10, 2023 – 7pm Eastern US / 4pm Pacific US / 12am London-UK
Facebook Live Interview (30-min long).
I will be interviewed by hosts from the Pure Presence Conferences and Teachers of God Foundation on the topic of “Many Paths, One Self”. Whether you’re following a specific path or no path, this is an invitation to enter into a deep space in our hearts and consciousness to learn from and experience truth through the lens of various wisdom traditions, and to deepen your path through profound wisdom teachings and direct experiences.

April 27, 2023 – 8pm Brazil Time / 12am London-UK
Living a Full Life: What it takes to feel whole and fulfilled (in Portuguese) (90-min long).
I will be one of the facilitators of this event. Contrary to what you might think, a full life is not about getting busy and involved in a lot of activities. As you have probably experienced or observed in others, a busy life may feel meaningless or hollow. This gathering is not a talk or a lecture, but an invitation for you to dialogue and discover what living a full life means to you, and how to be done with the way things have been and to begin a new way. Are you not ready to listen to a new voice? As A Course of Love says, “Can you let the worries of today leave your mind? Can you let the disappointments of yesterday go and be no more? Can you let the planning for the future cease? Can you be still and know your Self?”